Isabel helping with review of last week with good notes
showed a diagram
9:42am = 0:00
Doing review of last week's class
Migrants after WWII
Language barrier can be challenging for people from other cultures.
Issues with Wills for people with language barriers.
Systemic racism, entrnched and often hard to
lack of equal opportunity
Troy: Racism impacts on marginalised people, affects their mental health
Next week doing role play activity. Putting people in pairs.
R: Documents we need for next week:
CHCDIV001_Hussein Role Play Brief for Hussein.pdf
Meeting Minutes.docx
Focusing on points of dot points on PDF (with TAFE logo on top right)
For minutes
We can have the point forms while doing the role play
Ackonwledgement of indiginous people.
Slide 3
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture
Social and emotional wellbeing of health as opposed to the medical model.
Slide 4
Still strong ideology that To be indigionous you need to be dark skin – this is offensive.
Aboriginality is not defined by skin colour
Defining Aboriginality
- Aboriginality is not defined by a person’s skin tone or where they live.
- Aboriginal people define Aboriginality not by skin colour but by relationships.
Light-skinned Aboriginal people often face challenges on their Aboriginal identity because of stereotyping.
Source: https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/people/aboriginal-identity-who-is-aboriginal#ixzz4reQVAByo
It is inappropriate to comment on the colour of a person’s skin in reference to their Aboriginality. For example saying "You don't look Aboriginal" to fair skinned Aboriginals is extremely offensive.
“It's this increasingly casual reaction to Indigenous achievement and success that is a marker of how far we've come. It's becoming unexceptional to have successful Indigenous filmmakers, artists, doctors, academics, lawyers, nurses and politicians. This is the other side, the often - and unfortunately - untold side, of the story we hear about Indigenous Australia”. Mick Dodson, Australian of the Year 2009.
Slide 5
Supporting Aboriginal Culture
What might be meant by the term Protective Factors?
Extended family
What could be an example of a protective factor for Aboriginal people?
How might an community services organisation support such protective factors?
Slide 6
Supporting Aboriginal Culture
- Protective factors:
- Enable people to feel proud of and connected to their culture.
- Have a sense of belonging.
- Connection to the land, spirituality and ancestry.
- Service providers need to encourage support for protective factors. For example:
- Providing Aboriginal staff
- Culturally appropriate facilities and services
- Use of imagery and symbols
- Importance of storytelling
When interviewing indigenous people, the story telling is called yarning, a very basic method of telling their story
Only recently their history has been recorded in paper, in the past it was passed on via yarning, instead of our way of using forms – which coulc make them anxxious.
Slide 7
Stolen generation? What was that about?
When the white people settling in Australia removed the children from the aboriginal communities to "educate" them.
Arran [really smart]: A practice of culture similation.
R: A form of genocide. Children who were removed were not allowd to practice their culture or their language and much later they could not locate who they belonged to.
Troy: Some people dont realise how recent the stolen generation really was.
R: It's recent history
Arran: There still practice of removing childrem and assimilating and removing the culture.
R: Ongoing trauma
When we look at how these people feel now...
Why so many people against referendum introduced by prime misnister.
Lack of information.
Do indigenous people get special treatment?
Arran: No. They are still mistreated. All theses service provided to them are not ..???
Troy: Aboriginal BG in his family.
JAG: They receive specialised service for what they have been put through
RAY: A type of compensation.
Thzi: They receive a lot of money, but it does not mean that this money has been used appropiately.
Ray: Yes, there has been a case of money not being used properly.
Showing video
YouTube "A suppressed colonial past and rapacious present..."
- Premier wanted to chemically castrate aboriginal people
- We have reduced aboriginal people to a subhuman state
- $30 - $40k hoise rented weekly in Palm Beach
- Accross the other side are aboriginal communities in huge contrast living in poberty
- Should not have to live like this in modern Australia
- Canberra one of the most advantgous places in Australia
Stopping video at 8mins
R: Thooughs?
JAG: Makes me sick.
Not aware that this was still going on.
R: Having break.
Come back 10:40
Action taken : what decisions you made