10:40 am
so yummy people back from break
iMac my headphones on
yes, I have I'm also trying to vacuum up cos I don't know how to
now it is reality of what is happening to.
people in the past and why
you need to be aware of
if you're not aware
Indigenous people some things just don't go away.
Go away 42 years, and she told me about child and eastern things you don't forget. Very successful in a row professional correct secret.
She's done very well at the moment to go.
deepest people possible assistant is it necessarily?
respectful tourism family
capable in wonderful every single other culture in nationality coming from my Latin American background would enjoy the company family quite quite lovely family my family and I think that is.
and I think that experience being
High School
due to the Gold Rush so many Australians in particular don't realise how many successful Aboriginal and indigenous people their successful careers and very high-ranking careers indigenous background.
defended this country in world Isabel please
it's ironic that they would be so willing to defend I come to you and we can even send to defend them.
Good point. Yes, you have your hand up, please.
I just fall in people. I think coming from myself from North Africa also had struggles with the fridge for over 130 years indigenous people have had so like
Yes good boy this country country.
Talking about now get rid of that say to people. Justice education and health, are you alright?
education and health system's
alien and often to people on community relationships connections with an indigenous
Respect indigenous people to conform to the world girl thinks it is often different.
government policies have contributed to mental health issues
unresolved trauma open chain sup in Burnside
This is particularly relevant in remote communities.
turn on formal shoes suicide have
Yeah, exactly.
harmful things that occur and when you get song with this stuff
This is where the discipline of care is essential something that hopefully you.
care after question problem feelings
so lost property.
Because of racist policies ok?
impacted on particular Road Western Australia
put it in the
Scream 1
appropriate assessment tools
work with indigenous people bring it up and ill see from her discussion.
purple 73 differently
not socks
She talks about.
Western and indigenous views of mental health
lounge light language probably explain the clinical term
young girls who are in the world
what sort of population speaking the same language?
traditional as well and
example of somebody who has been through different world's and be very successful and doing that comes sure you have your hand up, please.
It was one thing. I really think about it. It makes a lot of cultural terms are important that really big and it makes so much sense. So, I'll give you that if you understand what's going on if you're up to communicate understand.
Work to a certain extent they are goodbye.
I know miles in the lounge room or whatever is.
because teachers people
some of these are really outdated and offensive half-caste Aboriginal
talk about about Anyone night?
I can find something for you. Almost my alarm on.
situated Queensland Northwest
So, where is this?
Coles supermarket
acknowledge them because they they are part of
What do you think?
different tour
I may be wrong, but I think it's to do with water in the air or water.
To do with the water because there's people and their culture people should know this.
What is that stand for?
yes cultures Torres Strait Islanders part of Queensland
We often overlook, because we just spoke to some people Declaration of Human Rights what sound do about that and then I'll get you please.
Anyone like to up?
Ryanair understanding of WhatsApp decorations all about please please
basic right to the safe and yes yes Yes again in all parts of the world doesn't matter where you go. There's there's someone or some.
ultra sun or not not living not don't have the basic Riots or living facilities, but sometime I don't think that's really true responsibility when it comes to a holding basic Human Than Human people often sometimes.
we need to be aware of people's human rights, please R33
everyone Born Free and dignity and rights. Everyone has the right to security Google to
Examples police, this is just an advocacy system a community service worker. on
the United Nations
basically to protect the rights of everyone.
What's the difference between rights and needs to meet their basic needs the difference between explain please?
What is the difference between niece wants and rice?
Standing of quantum rights. I believe is a structure prevent someone from being mistreated or like, Harms and unfair unfair treatment. I would say needs the difference between between what you need to say I need for survival. Something you don't have needs you. Always a diabetic in often lead to death and can help you with friendship.
So would anyone else Siri would you like to play what is you have comfortable life?
I just put stuff in the Jeff
basically looking at things So we need food we need water to survive human rights.
So helpful safety. Been around this concept. In the sense of what is cultural safety when you're working with an indigenous person?
Would you make them feel comfortable safe?
Area you know when you you can talk their way. I suppose or understand the way of keno.com.au was using forms and all that you have a young with them and not wanting them.
Is there a voice? I don't like you should push someone to talk, but they might not want to talk, but I think maybe at least letting you know that if it if they seem to be comfortable around it letting them know that you at opening and that your help them. They're truth until comfortable.
language and then also engaging with positive
alright Making them comfortable in the I like that and being able to understand that and work with that certainly. ultra safety and making making them more about communication styles
like customs, and I think completely blind just say you like duration.
Going on again body language talk to this am I going to talk?
Once you do that, you can create an environment of cultural safety remove supporting clients in different cultures including indigenous people.
I recognised the way your will give. Again, just explaining those things more cultures. Potential biases stereotypes experience their own family of Origin and how that may you may have to think about what generation were these people for them threshing this country, what was going on to add the world that sign.
the way the Vietnam vets for treated with they can that people together respectful relationship when you're working with his right Isabel please
Isabel Yeah, absolutely.
just because you or whatever doesn't mean you're going to fit any particular because of
in this country, how many people know which club you belong to?
Yeah, I do. I'm
You know which monkey come from?
I should but I don't.
Oh, ok.
my mod ceur
sorry, you just said that. Yep, sorry.
Thank you.
Where's that?
New South Wales
places like Wellington Isabel please
and she comes from
someone would describe you sorry.
Samsung's people stereotype you people in this group.
my comments about you Isabel
I'm this is obviously nothing compared to someone here comes from a cultural background that I am by and I had a lot of
Things a little bit anything if I accidentally revealed it they would say often disgusting little comments.
and biracial I don't think I'm no comments about around. How do I command so people to say that my business?
Still basically American kind of way. I am my mate my gestures the way I speak. Back in in high school days kids from school to me just having fun talking. You know in until this day. You know their way you speak all my gesture. So only make it I am you know, I'm still seeing something. You know, I've normal supposing somewhere, and then the puddle of You know I take care of my home. I cook and take your children before get shocked in other being sucked American I can be doing that. You know uncommon are fit into it to think that why you no.
around and things like that come from my dad comes from
I have the right to embrace, but really, I think.
Stone Age that some people would be more alone in my system by always felt sometimes people registered. I remember one thing.
Weird just quiet.
People try and make sense of what's going on?
And this diversity Among Us politician Isabel you'll have to give you the heads up.
We have different OK where we come from where we live. So we have different generations in this group.
baby boomers born Victoria 61
Or you are belong to the younger generations.
Although I might have like my own criticisms of my generation. I do think that every generation is a product of the generation before it and so on humans, and I think that things that show me brilliant Minds excited to sort of come up with new ideas better place. You can however, there are some thanks.
could change Jonathan Place imagine erection I didn't have more fun in the internet or access to Internet or anything, so I'm a little conversation and these days including children family. It's difficult conversations with them very short. I'm generating for me for my opinion worth the around me. Is it better to have keep our conversations, so I have these describe desire to have long conversations, and I don't find people like that anymore. Put on the backburner, I think.
Work on the knowledge assistant. How does that sound?