Margaret us going to be hanging around to help if needed.
Going through questions for assessments:
Knowledge Assessment # 1
Relate all answers in assessment to counsellors and make sure answers are 250-300 words for quesrtions 1A - L
You need to show the source of the Code of Practice that you use.
identify with a link.
Margaret: The 4 references, do 2 for part A and 2 for part B
Part 1a
Identify a relevant code of practice and how it would work with you for counselling
Gives hyou legal/ethical boundaries, etc…
Explain what I provding and then…
Put a link as evidence
Check files: www.theaca.net.au/documents ... Code of practice.
Could use part d of this web page
Then explain:
What meaning will this document have for me as a counsellor, how it will be relevant?
This is why AI Wont work.
Idenitify code or practice
Put link
Tell how it will work for you in your practice.
Provide about a paragraph answer. Make sure it answerds the question.
Provide a broad example like the code of practice, then relate it to your practice (read it, how would you use it and follow it on a day to day basis).
Put references inline or at the end of the document.
Part 1b
Trickier what it asks for.
This questions is ambigious.
If we are looking at contract with client, sending them
Explaining for example who owns the infirnatuib =, the clinic or the referrer?
The ACA provides some contracts in their blur.
Look at other services and how they provide it.
How requirements are needed in private practice or organisation..
Brochure provided has a lot of information.
The guy in the long video of the man doing introduction…
(Use learning gudie as a basis)
You dont provide you personal number for people to contact you after hours, instead, direct them to other services.
Georgi: Can you refere to Medicare care plan?
K: yes.
Counsellors are not registered practice in Australia.
????? I went to school for ez lunch
K: For 1g, Lot of stuff surrounding professional boundaries in link from 1a
K: Maybe work on some answers and we can revise next week.
1h Use PDF in files.
1i Legislation - ethical note taking PDD in files
Things cant be left out
2 level security into infoation
People need to know that yu are keeping records and there are ways how to take lessons, but we will discuss this in another class.
1j Privacy acyt
Work safe and safety
Comprehensive ansewr
At least a couple of right snd couple of responsabilities related to counselling practice
1k Look at ACA document anout concellor work
Put that you got it from ACA
Give some examples
1l Put down the act.
250 - 300 words to this and all above questions
Relate answers to counselling
1:10:00 important question!!!!
If someone is fgouing to take their life, you nay have to take action unless finding someone elrse that can take responsibility, ambulance could be called, don;t drive person to hospital yourself.