Karen: People need reassurance regarding their privacy.
This is not Housekeeping! It's legislation.
Class actions all over the country how their information has been breached. Most information is kept electronically. Two factor authentication is important. People are entitled to ask to read their files under Freedom of Information.
We need to build a rapor and ask open ended questions.
Need to learn microelectronics skills.
- Open ended questions
- Building rapor
- Reflecting
- paraphrasing
Not fixing people, but reflecting with the client.
What teacher is looking for found in assignment 3:
Role play x 3
You will complete 3 ROLE PLAYS.
You will be allocated three separate clients (Jack, Lisa and Monique from Assessment 2) and will be role playing a third session with each client (Jack, Lisa and Monique from Assessment 2). When role playing you will structure the session to include the key stages of a counselling session, and techniques for managing each stage, including:
Use a structured approach to counselling including:
identifying concerns
working through concerns
monitoring the counselling relationship
followed processes to bring the counselling process to an end on at least 2 occasions
Establish the nature of the helping relationship
Confirm the helping relationship.
Used communication techniques, including:
effective use of body language
reflecting feelings
open and closed questioning or probing
attending behaviours - active listening,
reflection of content, summarising
questioning skills - open, closed, simple and compound questions
client observation skills
noting and reflecting skills
providing client feedback
Structure the session to include the key stages of a counselling session, and techniques for managing each stage, including:
introduction and establishment of relationship
body (getting the client s story)
issues identification and exploration
options and plan for change
session closure
Demonstrate your self-awareness as a counsellor including:
role within the organisation
limits of competence and responsibility
personal strengths and limitations
individual needs for support and supervision
impact of own values and beliefs on capacity to be non-judgemental.
You can refer to the Observation Checklist to check the criteria you will be assessed on during the role play. This Checklist outlines the tasks and criteria that you must demonstrate to be competent in this assessment task.
Watching video – attending, paraphrasing, summarizing (micro counselling skills)
- Summarizing – Just to make sure I am following you.
- Paraphrasing – The picture I am getting is ... Is that right | What I am hearing is that ... What I am getting is
- Summarizing – Let's just take a moment to recap... What I am hearing is that...
- Attending – asking question of what client is saying.
The client is reassured the counselor is listening.
It is disappointing to hear counselors say that they could not understand a client! Offer interpreting service. If in doubt use an interpreter. Not just for language, but hearing impaired.
TIS - Australian National Service for Interpreting.
There may be issues with trust when using interpreters because of the background coming to Australia.
It is not the best idea to get family members to interpret.
Thy Nguyen: Margaret available to help.
Margaret: Willing to help out via: margaret.wulff@tafensw.edu.au
Help to guide, rephrase writing, help with writing...
Assessments are not written by teachers and can be sometimes a bit unclear.
To sign up for help from Margaret:
Video about interpreting:
- Always make the client the centre of attention – maintain eye contact with client, not the interpreter.
- Kep sentences short
- Dont use jargon
- Use simple language
- Be aware of cultural differences in body language – like eye contact
- Interviews will take longer
Margaret: Many migrants are not literate in their first language. They can speak their language but as many didn't go to school or have access to school they do not know how to read or write in that language.
Lot of interpreters have NAATI certification.
Interpreters deal with spoken language, not written document – this is a responsibility of a translator. If you need to use a written document, you can read it to the interpreter.
Margaret: Jargon is language used by a particular group or profession. Slang is common or informal language to fit in with a group. Try to use short sentences with plain English not slang or jargon.
Morning tea to 10:45am
Ashleigh MurrayRoach: [10:43 AM] Ashleigh MurrayRoach
Ashleigh MurrayRoach: 1 helpful tool in roleplay (take it or leave it)
I posted this on the general page. thought I'd share with the group. Might be more helpful in future roleplays
like 2 1 helpful tool in roleplay (take it or leave it) [URL:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:214eb0a9c39548979a32d5e1eb02f533@thread.tacv2/1710110413419?tenantId=19537222-55d7-4581-84fb-c2da6e835c74&groupId=5c890526-1b49-47c1-85a4-40dfa7945824&parentMessageId=1710110413419&teamName=COCKATOOS%20CHC51015-24BKS-079%20Diploma%20of%20Counselling%20S1%202024&channelName=1.%20Monday%20with%20Karen%20CHCCSL001_CHCCSL003&createdTime=1710110413419]
I posted this on the general page. thought I'd share with the group. Might be more helpful in future roleplays
like 2
Slide 79 of Powerpoint
Anxieties a client may have about counselling
Slide 82 Myths
Slide 85 Acknowledge and respect clients' concerns
We are not the experts on the client, the client is the expert on themselves
Slide 88 Establish the limitations of the counselling relationship
NSW Anti-discrimination ACT!
Margaret: Supervision is a regular session with a supervisor to discuss client issues.
Video when things don't go well:
Do these supervision meetings (which are ethical to have), do notes need to be taken? Yes.
- Feedback (another skill for microcounseling)
K: Supervisors can make mandatory reports.
We have revised micro counselling skills. We will soon start learning new skills.
Check if client have intrusive thoughts about harming themselves.
Slide 93
000 Needs to be called at times for people at risk of harming self or others.
Check in on people ongoing.
WHS – Dont put your client in your own car – too risky!! They could take the wheel, or jump out.
Don't leave clients unattended in your counselling room. And don't have anything with anyones name on it.
Georgie Sixsmith
11:48 AM
In my situation & experience in the last 3 months, a welfare call was made from a person close to my to police regarding my brother, he was having a psychiatric emergency.
1 Surprised reaction.
The police then placed a DVO against my bro... by Georgie Sixsmith
Georgie Sixsmith
11:51 AM
The police then placed a DVO against my brother and the person stressed not for this to happen and begged the police.it was stated that the person will attend court and fight against it. My brother has been charged and is on bail.
Begin Reference, In my situation & experien... by Jonathan Galindo Robles
11:53 AM
Jonathan Galindo Robles
Georgie Sixsmith
3/11/2024, 11:48 AM
In my situation & experience in the last 3 months, a welfare call was made from a person close to my to police regarding my brother, he was having a psychiatric emergency.
I have known people not to get charged or even get AVO simply because their mental health challenges, which at one time it was depression.
has context menu
K: There is no legal classification for counseling in austrlia, but we have civil obligation...
Going for break until 12:40pm