Transcript — Expressive.Studio

1/1          4 - 7 minutes

10:55 am
I haven't signed the

attended in the charts, please do so if you miss two

Last week and my dog is freaking out, so she gets her panting and louder noise and 9 you can hear.

try everything

anyway medication sprays open to suggestions

and it was a very minimal touch on the last week. So hopefully this or worm.

PowerPoint so if you can't please tell me I'm going to put up in the file sending informed consent before we start any session with the client ok, so I want to sing some of the how much the appointments are how many appointments for?

They have funded is getting a trip doing a payment Gateway or something like that outlined in the agreement, and then sign consent that I'm willing to have counselling knowing all of that information.

Information for it is just that you are going to be your where all the terms and conditions and you signed off that you've been shown that video of somebody doing that possibly, but I'll put it into the chat.

The client signs if you want to share information about them to share information with ATP information particular occasion your sharing information Pacific information information information about sharing information. Ok? Just need to clarify.

privacy confidentiality and confidentiality and Privacy Act civil liability act 2002

confidentiality 100% confidentiality scenario, I think one is

or someone

the second thing is if they're in a trimmer.

Down around him that it's meant to be significant. It's not meant to cover the drug and alcohol counsellor who knows that they're kind of selling drugs into.

Has sold drugs to maintain their habits to try and stop using which would stop them as well, so it's not meant to Target the drug and alcohol counselling. Duel all your file snakes eccetera. Evidence of files copy of files I request everything that you don't they are the type of subpoena is evidence. evidence plus the tiles

People everything you talk to yourself or someone else I'm legal action if there is action and amazingly.

providing evidence

Be there around that.

Not in this class, but in a different information, that's not one that I want. Sorry.

Put this one up on your page.

And confidentiality and how workers can provide a service to a young person. They give us consent to do so we'll be up there an appointment with designer consent Guardians commission as much as they are comfortable with anyone unless we have received.

formation for

have a look at another one that there's another one that I want to show of Hearts I put them on your slides to Sydney have a look.

You talk about this subpoena last week's.

legal obligations to take records and 12.

spin 9 ok

So you've been required for production, which is what I asked for production and information. If you do not warrant for your arrest ordered to you to play any really concerned about the information asked questions. On your all about the penis again that might be quiet experience may be asexual. It's really important.

Be required to produce, and that will be held his support.


Tell someone like tell the police about.

so, so the person that

different two-way the how the woman answered questions in the video

But you can't say that.

yes, it's under the children Protection Act

dcj situation where someone else 3 months ago or something or rather they reported that to the police.

situation where that kind of still

questions questions about that

I don't yeah, that's ok. It's really really. The legislation is that you actually make a rapport? you can choose by

used to live have any children

this person


child protection stuff

the interns of the children young person's care and protection ACT

in New South Wales 16 years football types significant, Brisbane


if you have

start your

living in the house


from shelter medical care hygiene clothing measurable Place Stirling



domestic and family violence

the carers are doing

mean you observe

Any strategies?


Do you have any other?

for me today

something happening for something

ok, now it's the file

this is what you have to do.


Child Protection Act

Any questions about that question?

so to do report


PowerPoint you are

if anything I qualified you if you

Where do you make the report from yourself and also Hurt Like This in principle or whatever?

Different situation they have what's called being unit.

to your child well-being unit and they have a

I think

go back to


people not really getting it healthcare

registered psychologist


and then


Turn up that's around.



legal requirements



around contracting Foundry there's a lot of information that you will use in the


Sorry, I was looking for something else and I'm selling shower gel after you. It must be on the other.


storm here

stuff drowning

yep, yep

I've just been quietly listening.




To make sure we are on discrimination. That's birthday.



services provided

then your favourite Lee and then they can make it complaints. Only at work so

about the different types of


the demographic information information

exchanges with anything like





when's Easter


Heath records

Thank you.

stop question in regards to the documents

I don't know how to write professionally overly worried about the complete.

So much to the place.

Example about family have passed away.

Activate left and right.

I should be writing down one

19 x 1


I was thinking of keeping to book 14 up there and one for myself because I I like to be understanding person cannot be fully making assumptions, and then I'm research my assumption, so something is it possible to do that or everything themselves?

sometimes I will research baby available or something that I was thinking my I was thinking like I was thinking of


remember everything

PDF whatever you want, yeah

You really need to keep.

Read me the client something just like this person personality disorder thinking I want to watch the photos for myself, you know.

Why would you do that?

diagnosis if you




They having any behaviour.

Yeah, I was in my phone for the for the Internet as my Kildare rata. So yeah, it's terrible Lake Macquarie yourself more finished. Thank you.

thank you, Heather

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